Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yawn... Another Week Gone By's Sunday Morning and I'm tired. I guess that's what happens when you spend your time flying from one thing to the next

Time sure is flying here! I had to double check the calendar twice; it doesn't feel like June 28th. I've been here a month, and I'm still staying busy, having fun, and have a whole list of things I want to do. This last week at work went well; I was able to help create several spreadsheets for other people in the office-it's always nice feel useful.

Yesterday, another intern and I went to Six Flags America. They had a special online deal of buy-on-get-one-free admission, and the park is only an hour and a half metro/bus ride away or 45 minute drive. Six Flags America was lots of fun and yesterday was a super hot and sunny day; thankfully this six flags has the Hurricane Harbor (water park) inside it for free! I went on all of the main roller coasters, several huge water slides, and even got a turkey leg for lunch (it was super moist and delicious). I put on sunscreen several times--so I got a little burnt on my face, shoulders, and hairline, but not bad.

Today I'm going to mostly stay home. I need to do about 4 loads of laundry (our washer is tiny, and I need to wash clothes, sheets, and towels), and I want to clean my bedroom and bathroom. I also am planning on walking to the grocery store to buy ingredients to make cookies and more lunch stuff.

I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the upcoming 3 day weekend and the 4th of July.

Thanks for reading!

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