Saturday, August 1, 2009

Under the weather

It's my last weekend in D.C- the time just flew by! This last week hasn't been very exciting, I've been sick, so everyday after work I've come straight home to bed. Work has been kinda crazy, trying to figure out all the presenters for the Family Readiness Conference 2009. Even though I feel like there's a lot of things to get done, I feel good knowing I'm contributing. I'm really impressed with how much work my supervisor, Cathann, has done; I never knew how much organization and planning it took to put together a large conference. Being sick this last week, everyone at work went out of there way to ask me how I was feeling. Even with all the tasks that needed to be accomplished, Cathann worked with me on my hours, so that I could go home early one day and sleep in several days. This weekend I'm mostly staying in and trying to rest-walking pneumonia is no fun. Tomorrow afternoon I plan to take my kindle and have a picnic; enjoying the lush green of D.C. a little longer.

Next Friday, after a security de-brief, Sarah (another intern) is helping arrange a good bye type dinner. Everyone from work will be invited and we're trying to pick a restaurant close to the Pentagon.

This Monday, Rachel leaves for Peru. I'm so excited for her and I know she'll have a great time, but it seems sad to be going home without her there waiting. When she gets back we'll have to celebrate both our homecomings and look through both our pictures.

Last Thursday was my mom's last round of chemo. Once I'm home and germ free, I plan to take her out for lunch to celebrate.

While I'm sad to be leaving D.C. and will miss a lot of my co-workers, there are so many things to celebrate at home. I'm looking forward to starting my senior year, begin interning at Catholic Charities, and applying to Grad School. I miss my beautiful apartment and my room-and I'm excited to see if we stay there after our lease runs up in January.

I don't have any pictures from this last week, but I hope to take a few more. Wednesday after work I plan to hit the National Mall and seafood market one last time. Thursday evening will probably be spent packing and cleaning. Next Saturday the van will pick me up around 12 to head back to the airport, and Ann Kelley is picking me up from the airport in AZ. I can't wait to hear about her son Jonathan's wedding.

If I don't post again before I'm home, I look forward to seeing you all soon. Lots of love,


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