Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's been way too long since my last blog, but between a bunch of homework, work being a little stressful, and a cold-I don't want to write a long blog. I figured a few pictures with captions could suffice.

Danielle, Sarah and I (all interns) went out to sushi last week after the Secretary Gates Q&A. After sushi we wandered over to the capital to sit and talk.

This squirrel was stealing candy bar wrappers out of the trash. I almost lost my backpack in the water when I went to take a picture, but Danielle saved it!

This beautiful Castle looking building is actually a Catholic Church, and the office of Catholic Charities- the organization I'll be interning with in AZ in the Fall and Spring

In Downtown D.C. I ran into a baby possum-go figure

Everyone thought it was a big rat at first

Me being a nerd in Madame Tussaud's wax museum

...still at the wax museum...
(sadly not real)

Amy and I went to a Cubs vs Nationals game. Ben didn't like my cubs shirt

Amy bought the cubs shirts-I was forced to be a cubs fan

Apparently there are a lot of cubs fans in D.C. The game had over 36,000 people in attendance!!! The metro was a mess

We had awesome seats behind home plate. Look at the un-zoomed view

Last Sunday I went to see King Lear. This is outside the Shakespeare Theater in Chinatown

Saturday, the 25th, Amy and I went to Atlantic City. When we got there, it was super foggy

As the afternoon wore on, the sun came out. We only had about 5 hours in Atlantic City, so I didn't want to get too sandy, but I couldn't resist getting knee-high into the water

Amy and I with our ankles in the water. The ocean looked beautiful

On the boardwalk, a guy was riding his BMX in a metal sphere

Thanks for reading!

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